NASMGA Notice to Players
(Revised Mar 3, 2024)
This Notice to Players will be amended or adjusted as needed for each event by the Committee responsible for the event.
1. USGA Rules will govern the competition unless otherwise stated below.
2. USGA Handicap, Scoring, and Payouts
- Handicap indexes for each event will be determined in accordance with the Event Description/Terms of the Competition.
- Max Course HCP is 36
- The max score is Net Double Bogey. This is the par of a hole + any dots on that hole + 2 strokes.
- Golf Genius will post all scores to GHIN.
- Blind draw players will not be eligible to win in both places. They will be paid the highest amount, whether from their original team pairings or the blind draw team.
3. Alternative to Stroke and Distance (MLR 8E-5)
The Alternative to Stroke and Distance local rule for a Lost Ball or a Ball Out of Bounds (OB) is NOT in effect for this tournament.
4. Temporary Immovable Obstructions (TIO): Cooling Fans. (MLR 8F-23)
Interference under this Rule means that the player has:
- Physical interference,
- Line of sight interference to the hole, or
- Both physical and line-of-sight interference.
Size of Relief Area from Reference Point:
The entire area is within one club length from the reference point, but with these limits:
- Limits on Location of Relief Area:
- Must be in the General Area,
- It must not be nearer the hole than the reference point and
- There must be complete relief from both the TIO’s physical and line-of-sight interference.
5. Wood Chips, Mulch, and Pine Straw (Rule 8.1)
Play the ball as it lies unless it is explicitly used to create a road, cart path, or extension of a path to the teeing area or the green.
6. Distance Measuring Equipment (Rule 4.3a(1))
Distance measuring devices are allowed; however, any slope or elevation information must be turned off.
7. Embedded Ball (Rule 16.3a)
Relief is allowed in the General Area, but there is no relief in Penalty Areas or bunkers.
8. Preferred Lies (Lift, Clean & Place) (MLR 8E-3)
Preferred lies will generally only be utilized in scramble formats. However, if the weather conditions dictate the use of Preferred lies for a given round, the pros will announce it at the pre-tournament briefing or at the tee box.
The Preferred Lies policy is as follows:
When a player’s ball lies in a part of the General Area that is on grass maintained at fairway height or first cut of rough *, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from the relief area defined as:
- Reference Point:
Spot of the original ball.
- Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point:
One club length, from the reference point, but with these limits
- Limits on Location of Relief Area:
- It must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
- It must be in the General Area and not in a Penalty Area, Bunker, or on the Putting Green of the hole being played.
- You must place the ball in the same course condition. If the ball is lifted from the first cut, it must be placed back in the same first cut. If the ball is lifted from the fairway, it must be placed back on the fairway grass.
In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.2b(2) and 14.2e. There is no need to mark the ball before lifting it.
Definition of grass cut to fairway height and the first cut of rough:
The first cut of rough is adjacent to the fairway and is generally maintained. It is cut frequently and as often as the fairway. Balls on pine straw or mulch are not on grass cut to fairway height or first cut.
Penalty for breach of this rule: Match Play - Loss of hole; Stroke Play – Two strokes
9. Scoring with Paper Scorecards and Golf Genius online
- Before the round starts, One player will be designated within each foursome to enter scores into the Golf Genius mobile app. A different player will be assigned to keep the paper scorecard. The specifics will be covered in the “A” player meeting.
- After the round, the team must compare and verify that the online scores match the paper scorecard. After ensuring they match and there are no errors, one player must submit the paper card at the scoring table for further verification against the electronic record. If a team leaves without completing verification, they will be disqualified. Likewise, if a team discovers an error in the gross score after verification is completed, a higher total will stand, and a lower total will result in disqualification.
- Score posting: Golf Genius will automatically post scores for the entire field, except for non-postable formats (e.g., shambles or scrambles or local rules that do not conform with USGA model rules).
10. Event Committee
Any required interpretation or application of the USGA rules or Terms of Competition will be resolved by the Event and Rules Committee, whose decision is final. Unless otherwise stipulated, the Committee for each event will consist of the following:
Woodmont Local Rules
- Out of Bounds - OOB is indicated by the edge of all roads on holes #5, #9, and behind #10 green. OOB is also defined by green and white posts.
- Mulch Areas - A ball resting on the edge border (trench) of a mulch bed may be dropped in the mulch bed within one club length of its original position, no closer to the hole, with no penalty.
- Flower Beds - The flower bed left of Hole #2 is a No Play Zone where mandatory free relief must be taken. Players are required to drop at the Nearest Point of Complete Relief, no closer to the hole, with no penalty.
- Dropping Zones - (Model Local Rule 8E-1) (Dropping Zones)
- On hole #15, a DZ is in front of the White tee box as additional relief for any ball coming to rest in the Penalty Area due to the tee shot.
- On hole #17, a DZ is in front of the Penalty Area near the bridge for any ball hit into the water when playing to the green.
- Penalty Areas - Holes 6, 11, 16, and 17 are Yellow Penalty Areas (YPA). Lateral Relief under Rule 17.1d(3) is not allowed if the ball crosses the edge of the YPA. Options are Stroke and Distance, Back-on-the-Line relief, or Dropping Zones (if available).
- All other Penalty Areas are Red.